Intermission – A New Adventure

It has taken quite a bit of time for me to write this update. My recent posts have been about my personal growth here in South Africa and how this place is changing me every day. The past few months have been very life-altering. I have met people from all over the world from different cultures and backgrounds. Each person has taught me a valuable lesson in one way or another. They have all shown me that there is beauty in listening to others.

Amazing people from all over the world.

Sometimes it just flabbergasts me that I am even here right now.

My cuties.

Not only that, but to be so blessed by being surrounded by so many beautiful  people. The moment I walk down the stairs of the building, I can’t help but find joy because each person here is so special. The views and the adventures are just as amazing, but having people to share those moments with make it even better.

Anyways, it’s time to get to the main point of this post.

We have arrived to an intermission in my journey in South Africa. It is time for a quick break before the story continues on. And where is this break to take me?

*small drum roll please*


A few months ago, I found out I would be venturing to Middle East with a team of seven other people. I really wanted to surprise everyone. So….. surprise!

Through the church, my team and I will be volunteering our time to serve the people of Greece & Jordan.

My Team ❤️

Because a lot of our activities are still up in the air, there is not much I can share with you on the details. However, I can tell you that we are going in with humble hearts to listen and understand the people. The team I am on has incredible people in it. Each person has a passion to be servant to the poor and broken. My leaders, Tim & Sav, have such integrity & trustworthiness. Already they are leading the team to greatness. Even though we have not left yet, I can tell that this is going to be an excellent trip.

Traveling to the Middle East has always been a big dream of mine. I am beyond honored and grateful to even have the chance to  go to these places. Some of the members of my team are struggling to fundraise as well. Our team needs to raise about $3,800 (or R53,400). If you would like to partner with me and or my team, you can make a donation to my GoFundMe here (proceeds will go to me) or my team here (Please make sure to clarify that you want the proceeds to go to the Greece/Jordan Team). Thank you in advanced for your support and prayers.

Prayer Requests:

- That my entire team will be able to go. Every finance and need would be met in one way or another.

- All our travels will be smooth and easy.

- We are not the only team who will be traveling to serve 
other countries. Please keep my other friends in your prayers as they travel to other countries like Thailand, the Philippines, and Uganda. That their financial and travel needs would be met.



Catherine H. Fisher