South Africa || Love is Simple

These past 5 weeks have been really great. Every day I am always moving and doing something.

Rare footage of YWAMers working in the morning.

Every morning I wake up at 6:30AM, which may be nothing to some people, but for me it’s pretty crazy. The rest of my day is usually quite active leading me to finally go to bed between 11PM-12AM. Generally, I am busy studying or working with my DTS or exploring the gem that is South Africa. 

Very rarely you will find me actually resting. In fact, to keep up with this busy schedule, I have coffee as a useful crutch on really hard days. Maybe not the best addiction, but they make them really pretty. It’s hard to resist. I mean look at this cuties.

Anyways, my main point is I am finally taking time to stop and relax. It’s actually taking a lot of self-control to restrain myself from pursuing another activity versus taking time to write this blog update. So here we go!

The lectures here have been very challenging in a good way. To makes things worst (or better; I am not really sure yet) the staff and leaders challenge us to challenge these challenging teachings. Although they have great speakers and teachers, they always emphasize the importance of questioning everything they say. The leaders here truly want us to have our own unique relationship with God and don’t want to be an interference to that. Confusing a bit, right

Through this confusion there has been a lot of breakthrough in my life. Even in the areas where I didn’t know I needed breakthrough. It’s really helping me understand who I am, how God sees me, and how He sees others. Every week I am able to apply what I learn on my outreach into the surrounding communities and townships.

One thing I am working on when I go to these places is just loving on people. A lot of times missionaries, or even just some Christians in general, feel like we must get straight to the point and bring people to “salvation”. Sharing the Gospel is important, but God calls us to love Him above all and love His people.

Ladies Ministry

These are the two greatest commandments. Loving people isn’t always preaching. It’s playing soccer with some kids on the street, or having a friendly conversation with someone sitting by themselves, or even picking up trash in your community.

I am currently practicing love by listening to people. Very often I am quick to speak and am already thinking about the next thing I am going to say rather than intently listening to the other person. Sometimes the best way to reach out to somebody is to just listen and understand.

I am going to cut this blog just shorter than usual because there is some subjects I can’t talk about yet on here, but I can’t wait to. The most I can give is that God is good and He is working in BIG ways in my life and lives around the world. Thank you so much to everyone who still supports me today. If you want to be updated on blogs like this, you can sign up with your email on the bottom of the page. It will notify you whenever I post a new update.

Prayer Requests:

- There have been fires in the surrounding townships. Please keep these people in your prayers as many search for
new homes.

- As we prepare for our big outreach, some students in my school lack financial support. It would be very appreciated if you could pray that God opens people's hearts to donate to them. 

- Pray that somehow, by God's incredible grace, that I can be as awesome as Kyle, please please please pray hard. (My friend Kyle hacked my blog.)


Catherine H. Fisher


4 Replies to “South Africa || Love is Simple”

  1. Wow I love ou and your heart, and I am so extremely stoked for all God is doing in your live. You are changing lives Cat, I love you with all my heart

  2. Fantastic life lesson on communication. The art of being a great communicator is to actively listen. Once you become a great listener, you will see things from a different perspective and the other party will appreciate being heard.

    So great that you discovered this as a young adult. A soft skill that will be an asset later in life.

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