A Week of Testimonies || the Netherlands

June 28th, 2019
If you want to get to the juicy part of the letter just scoot down to the part where it says “Testimony Time”. I know some of you guys don’t like reading. You’re welcome. ❤️
First quarter finished! Woo hoo! Three more to go!
We are 13 books into the New Testament, leaving 12 to go I think (saving Matthew and Revelation for the very end of the school). It’s been crazy to see God’s faithfulness throughout the generations and see his character verse by verse. While there are timeless truths that usually apply to any generation, to actually see what the purposes of these letters are and who they are intended for brings a whole other level to these truths. I won’t advertise SBS here because not everyone can do it or it might not be their style. However, I will promote actually reading and taking time to study the Bible with an open mind and a curious heart to know God. It will blow your mind.
“Okay Cat, calm down. Are you walking what you are talking? Do you have anything to back this up?” asks the reader.
Oh ho! Thank you for asking dear reader. I’m doing my best to walk what I talk so that it can be a testimony to what I believe in. WARNING: I AM NOT PERFECT. I’ll be real and say I still mess up. I could read and study the Bible for the rest of my life, do all the humanitarian deeds, etc. and still be messing up. As I said, I am doing my best, but, as you know, I am still human. I am a human who loves God and is loved by God.
I’d love to share some really crazy stuff God has been doing in my life this last week. These experiences don’t make me better or holier or whatever word might pop in your head. In fact (I’m actually laughing as I am typing this), I am messed up. These experiences just highlight my brokenness and God’s goodness even more. So I hope you enjoy watching God put life back together piece by piece.

Testimony Time

Testimony #1: A Really Rough Flight

I can’t go into too many details about some of it, but this where God took my brokenness, fear, and grief and brought me into his loving embrace.

A little background: I have never traveled internationally by myself before. I always had at least one friend with me. Last week, I had to border hop to the Netherlands because of visa problems. This was my first time traveling internationally by myself and I was scared.

All day I was walking around base extremely nervous, even though that week we studied 2nd Corinthians and how God is a God of comfort. Many of my friends prayed for me and random people were speaking words of encouragement into me. A friend spoke/prophesied over me, “Sometimes we are put in uncomfortable situations so that God can comfort us.” These words would become even more relevant later on that day.

I even received a birthday letter (oh yeah, I am an official adult now) from a friend right as I was leaving. In it, I was encouraged to continue walking in “obedience and faith”. I also loved that it said, “How fickle we are, but how steadfast he is.” So with all these words and the surprise letter, I went to the airport to go to the Netherlands.

As I was boarding my flight, I received some really horrible news and was left completely broken. I was in a public place, surrounded by many people, but suddenly felt all alone. It was an even bigger shock being away from the safe community I had been in for the past 3 months. I had been stressed out all day, now deep anguish replaced my built up fear. Why did this have to happen?

All of a sudden, everything that had been said over me and everything that we had been studying that last week came over me. It didn’t get rid of my grief, but it did give me comfort in ways I didn’t expect. For the rest of the flights, I was supported by the love and grace of God and his promises. It was even better to have my close community reach out and pray for me. (I am doing much better now, for those who are concerned. Still working through it, but much better.)

I share this story to let people know that even in dark moments where we can feel absolutely alone, we are not. There is a God who comforts and loves us.

Testimony #2: Enjoying the Netherlands

I made it to the Netherlands safely and my friend from my DTS came and took me in. The rest of the week was really good because I was busy exploring and keeping my mind off of things, but all the while God was with me and helping me work through my feelings.
With everything that happened during my arrival to the Netherlands, I was feeling very low at the moment. Thankfully, my wonderful hostess took me through parts of the Netherlands that I probably would have never seen before if it wasn’t for her enthusiasm and encouragements. Despite everything that had happened, I was still able to enjoy the Netherlands and hang out with my wonderful sister in Christ. To me, being able to enjoy my week there is a testimony that there can still be joy in healing.
Here are some of the fun stuff we did in the Netherlands.